These Search tricks will Prove that Google can be said as the perfect example for Artificial Intelligence. Must try these keywords
Open Directly
Sometimes It Happens that you are trying to open Google,com but its keep redirecting you to the country's becomes very frustrating when you open the google there and redirects you to a google homepage of that country. To make it neutral, just add ncr at the end followed by a slash and hit enter. Now when you will browse google, it will not forcefully redirect you to country specific Google.
Make Private Searches

Google in spite of its vast features don’t seem fit for privacy enthusiasts because of the tracking concerns. An alternative – "Startpage" allows you to make Google searches without worrying about its tracking or other privacy problems. It shows searches from the Google but don’t track your IP address or your location info or such.
Search a Specific Phrase

“” (double quotes) can be used to search for a specific phrase. Google lists only the results having the given phrase (between the double quotes) with same order of words as listed in the phrase. For example: ““get songs”” (note the inner double quotes is part of the search query) will ask Google to search only for the phrase ‘get songs’ exactly as is, and not even list results having the phrase ‘get songs’.
Search for finding exact Locations

City name or Postal code at the end of your search query allows you to make searches for a specific location. This overrules the default behavior of Google to provide results for the location calculated using your Internet connection’s IP address. For example: biryani restaurants 700009 shows you biryani restaurants at pincode 700009 in Kolkata.
Search within a Specific Website

site: lets you search within a given website and not the whole Internet. It’s quite handy if you know the place (website) for your search and saves you from going through undesirable results. For example: wrestlemania 27 will list results for the search term ‘wrestlemania 27’, but the search will list results only from the mentioned website ( and not from the other sites.
Find Specific Files

filetype: Lets you search for specific files on the web rather than content or websites. It comes handy when you’re searching for presentations or PDFs or drawings or other files whose extension is known. For example: filetype:pdf verbal reasoning will search for books or pdf files on the given title of verbal reasoning.
Find Similar Websites

related: tells which are similar websites to the given website. It’s better to know similar sites if you’re doing a research on some product or website. For example: lists some of websites and blogs that are similar or rivals of flipkart.
Get Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms and Pronunciations

define: Lets you ask definitions, get synonyms and antonyms and listen to pronunciations of words. You can click on the small Speaker icon present at right of the word to listen to its pronunciation. For example: define:inevitable gives you definition, synonyms and pronunciation; and “define:inevitable antonyms” lists its antonyms as well as other information.
Track Courier packages
Google can help you track your packages by typing the tracking number directly in the search box. It is currently supported only for UPS, FedEx and USPS packages; and shows you the status of your shipment using a rich-text snippet. For example: search query containing tracking number “W4FSY7658865” will fetch you the status of your package.
Listen To Animal Sounds On Google

Just Search >Animal Sounds < On Google and listen to the sounds by just clicking on the icons.
Search “Fun Facts” Or “I’m Feeling Curious” In Google And Feed Your Curiosity

Just Search i’m feeling curious in google search Box and just keep clicking ask another question button to unleash an endless spell of trivia from google.
Make Food Comparisons
Google can even compare foods for you. If you’re not sure which food will get you better nutrients or which will not increase your body fat, then you can ask Google and it will answer much like any dietician. For example: “mango vs. banana” tells Google to compare and present the nutritional info of the given two fruits – Mango and Banana.
Search Newspaper Archives of more than 100 years
Google offers you the access to the digitized news content of over last several years. It scanned and digitized the old printed newspapers in an attempt to bring the content from old newspapers easily accessible to the Internet users. For example: world war II will search for an article from scanned newspapers on the topic ‘world war II’.
Solve Calculations

calculator opens up a calculator on the Google page where in you can type expressions to get results. You can also type the expressions directly in the search box to get answers right away. For example: calculator opens up a calculator; “549+2665+20*565255”gives 11308134 as the result of the given expression.
Get Mp3 Links directly on google search

All of us download mp3 songs from internet and use those mp3 download websites. But the only problem which i face is that these sites are stuffed with pop up ads with big downloads banner written and the real download link is hidden somewhere which a rocket scientist can only find. But here in this article i am going to tell you a simple way in whic you can directly find the download links of tat song, without using their ad stuffed web page. You can just go to their page to directly save that mp3.
Here Goes the trick. intitle:index.of?mp3 "name of the song you want to download"
Suppose you have to download "faded" song. then search intitle:index.of?mp3 faded
Have Fun with Google
Most of these tricks works after writing them in searchbox and then clicking on "I'm feeling lucky", Given below are the keywords
- do a barrel roll
- Tilt
- Zerg Rush
- Pacman
- google gravity
- google sphere
- google mirror
- google underwater
- blink html
- exp(-((x-4)^2+(y-4)^2)^2/1000) + exp(-((x +4)^2+(y+4)^2)^2/1000) + 0.1exp(-((x +4)^2+(y+4)^2)^2)+0.1exp(-((x -4)^2+(y-4)^2)^2
- google guitar
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