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Roshan Kumar blogs

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Thoughts, Tricks, Theories, Stories and Comments


A Short Introduction to this website, telling you about different functions, objecives and shortcuts

Welcome Everyone to Paradise Falls. My Blog at

You might be wondering about the name of this website "Paradise Falls", Well I have taken it from one of my all time favourite movie, This name really has a meaning to me, Like the movie tells that to enjoy an adventure and to become an adventurer, You actually dont need to go on mountains or adventurer site, you just need to grab the opportunities from your surrounding and create an adventure out of it, anything can be adventurous. Life is an Adventure.
So, Paradise Falls is really a beautiful place where anybody would like to go as an adventurer to discover new things. So my friends I do want to make this website also full of things and contents where anybody will like to come for discovering and searching for things they might need or just for curiosity. This website will have contents mostly related to movies and technology, but i will post my views and thoughts regarding other matters like environment, exceptions, developments, adventurous resarchs and some other personal tricks, theories and stuffs.
So I think this is quite enough for a short description.

Now, Lets Introduce you to the fuctionality of this website, You can open this website by going on You can find the Posts on the first page that has been published. There are four menu items available in the side bar

  • About Me: This Contains details about me, stuff like technical skills and others
  • Look: From here you can change the background of this website, if you bored or find it difficult to read the letters then tou can simply choose from the given backgrounds by simply clicking on it.
  • Hire Me: This Section is for the People who wants to hire me for their technical Projects or Short term technical jobs based on my technical qualification
  • Contact: You can use this section for contacting me regarding any subject from requests to complaints.
Currently on the day of writing this post, the website has only a desktop or PC version for smoother view, BUT it can work smoothly in UC browser in mobile too.  But no need to worry about it, i m working on Mobile version and it will be available very soon.  


This is my first Post on my first blog and its Welcome Post so I am gonna tell you about myself too. Well My Name is Roshan Kumar, founder, owner and manager of MOVIESR.NET, WWEHD.IN and now this.  I started my Journey back in Year 2009 with WWEHDIN At the age of 15 and 1 year later came up with MOVIESR.NET one of the most successfull website. My first achievement came up with my WWE website in Year 2010 when for the first time the no. of unique visitors on my website reached 1000. later that Year I started which became significantly successfull, it starts getting about 5000 unique visitors everyday, and in just a year it was among 1 million website throghout the world in Alexa and in top 90 thousands in india, but finally it got suspended in yr 2015 due to copyright infringments although it does have a legal DMCA Policy. Currently i m working on a new idea about MOVIESR.NET AND soon i m gonna start this, maybe later this year. but till then i have started this blog and i m gonna publish posts and update it regularly.



Well, currently i m graduated and available as a free lancer and basically a computer geek who love to deals with new technologies and Loves to play cricket. I am also thanking my batchmates and friends who has made me learn a lot in my life. So i just need you guys to give me suggestions here as well, every little suggestion will be appreciated.

In the end I just want you to make comment using the comment box given below, this is my first post so i just want little encouragement and your suggestion. Thanks to everyone

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About me



The main motive behind starting this website is to share my Experience with everyone regarding many technical tricks that i know, but it will be not only regarding the technical world, i will also share my thoughts other than this.

I am a Computer Geek (i can say this), web developer and designer, video encoder and a lifelong quick learner. I have more than 6 years of experience in the field of web development and designing and also making and encoding videos and movies. I also have knowledge about developing a software. I started my Journey back in Year 2009 with WWEHDIN At the age of 15 and 1 year later came up with MOVIESR.NET one of the most successfull website


  • ASP.NET 4.0 and .NET
  • C#
  • HTML 1.0 to 5.0
  • upto CSS 3.0
  • video with H264 and H265
  • Databases like SQL Server 2000 to 2014
  • Tools like VisualStudio 2003 to 2013

Please feel free to contact me regarding any help and please keep giving your suggestions to improve this website.

Change Background

You Can Change the Look of this Website by Just Clicking on the images given brlow, this will change the Background

  • image1
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  • image2
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Hire Me

I am a Web Developer and Designer with more than 6 years of experience.

  • ASP.NET 4.0 and .NET Framework
  • C#
  • HTML 1.0 to 5.0
  • upto CSS 3.0
  • video with H264 and H265
  • Databases like SQL Server 2000 to 2014
  • Tools like VisualStudio 2003 to 2013
  • Good knowledge and Experience of Cloud Services
  • Domain and Hosting Knowledge

For more details, email me at or use the contact section

One more thing I Never Give Up so, Please feel free to contact me
